Page 224 - Main Second Asbo Book1
P. 224

PR-NTEC  AT  15 :33  11:AUG :_4  GPC                             7 _i.243  YE   i)J  IS _  .i

             :,I.JGLE  _ ICIDENT  PRINTOUT                                                      PAGE  4
             INCIDENT  Ne .   2637 : 07JUN14

            Time       Date     Opid    Te rrnid

                       ENTERED  BY:  CHS    AT :  2014 - 06- 7  08 : 25 : 45
                       SMF  REPEATVICTIM  (Repea t  Caller /  Vict i m)
                       GPC  Superviso r  - Please  note  that  this  call er  has  been  categori sed  as :
                       'Repeat  ca_ l er'  and/  or  'Victim'.
                       GPC  - Prioritise  an y  addi tional  inte  l ~gence  checks  &  i nform  releva nt
                       SNT .
                       Consider  if  the  person  is  susceptible  t o  physical  abuse ,  emot i onal  or
                       men t al  hurt ,  and  liable  t o  be  easi l y  influenced .
                      Are  they  a  repeat  cal ler  and/or  victim  of  anti - social  behaviour  which
                       is  affecting  the.:. r  quality  of  life,  or  are  t hey  inr.imidated  by  the
            08 : 26 : 50  07JUN14  CHS
                      ENTERED  BY :  CHS    AT:  2014 - 06- 07  08 : 26:51
                      MET  POLICE :  Your  Ref  No  is  CAD2637/07JUNE .  Do  not  r epl y  t o  t his  t ext.
                       ( END}

            Previous  Actions :
            Time      Date      Opid    Termid     ACTION

                                                   SYSTEM( EXTERNAL )
            08 : 21 : 49  07JUN14  CHS   CCC:CCB   0 ()  215: ASB  - NUISANCE , 211: NOISE,610:REPEAT
                                                    CALLER  AN D/OR  VICTI M
                          "       II        It     PI
            08 : 2  : 55   II   060003  DIV:YE    AK
                          II                II    XP/ AK/O2 11
            08 : 22 : 07          II       "       LI / 245 6
            08 : 22 :14           II              CTX ()
            08 : 22 : 20   II     II       II     AC()
                          "       II       "      AQ ( )
                                           II     AR()
           0  :2 2 : 22                            PS / CM
           08 : 23 : 46        CHS      CCC :CCB   PI
           08 : 23 :4 8         060 00 3  DIV:YE   AK
           08 : 25 : 0_        CHS      CCC : CCB   PI
           0  : 25 : 03        060003  DIV : YE   AK
           08 : 25 : 28   II   CHS      CCC :CCB   PI
           08 : 25 : 36   II      ,,       "      CT ( T )
                                           "      LOCA (PROGRESS  WAY ,  ENFIELD) (Y P)
              II                           II
                          "       "               LOCI (PROGRESS  WAY,  ENFIELD )  ( YP )
                                                   E' I
           08 : 25 : 45   "                       PI

                                                                                            ON .  NUED  . ..
                  NO  UN.n.CTHOR.ISED  DISCLOSURE-D IS POSE  Of  AS  CO  ::OC:N'Lll.L  W .. 3TS.

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