Page 246 - Main Second Asbo Book1
P. 246

PRINTED  AT  13:4 4  11 :AUG : 14   GPC                          71 124 3  YE   DIVISION

           SI~GLE  - lCIDE  T  PRINTOUT                                                       PAGE   3

           I NCI DENT  No .   4323: 07 J UN14

           Ti me     Date      Opid    Termid
           12 : 31:55  07JUN14  CHS
                     *"  **START  OF  DATA  AUTOMATICAL~Y  COPI ED  FROM  OPEN  PROMPTd  -*
                     OPEN  CODE  "211"  :
                     USE  SMF/ASa
                     **  **END  OF  DATA  AUTOMATI CALLY  COPIED  FROM  OPEN  PROMPT* * **
           12 : 33 : 21  07JUN14  CHS
                     ENTERED BY :  CHS    AT:  2014 - 06- 07  12 :32:42
                     "OP .. . GRADED  AS S  AS  THIS  MAY BE  AN  ILLEGAL  RAVE  BUT  DOWN  GRADE  I F  THIS
                     IS  NOT  MET  POLICEY
           12 : 33:2 1  07JUN14  CHS
                     ENTERED  BY :  CHS   AT :  2014-06- 07  12 :33 :00
                     SMF  ASB  (For  All  I ncidents  Of  An t i - social  Behaviour)
                     Always  consider  whether  the  circums t ances  of  the  inc: dent  render  the
                     person  concerned  as  vulnerabl e .
                     Remembe r  t o  use  SMF/ VULNERABLE  and/ or  SMF/REPEATVICTIM .
                     If  the  questions  below  do  not  appear  valid ,  have  you  select ed  t he
                     corr ect  opening  code?
                     1.  Has  anything  l ike  thi s  happened  before?:  No
                     2.  Has  t he  caller  spoken  to  polic e  abo  t  this  or  any  other  matter
                     r elating  to  ASB? :  No
                     3.  I f  the  answer  t o  2  is  ' Yes '  when  were  pol i ce  ca lled  (approxi matel y)?

                     4 .  Pri or  t o  calling  police  today,  has  t he  person  s ought  help  f r om
                     elsewhere  (e.g .  Local  Aut hority ,  Secur i ty,  Hous:ng  Associati on ,
                     Samaritans,  Citizens  Advice ,  BT,  et c. )? :  No
                     5 .  If  t he  answer  to  4  is  ' Yes'  plea s e  s tate  who?  :
                     6.  Any  other  r e levanL  i nformation?  :

          Previ ous  Actions :
          Time        a t e   Opid    Te rmid    ACTION
          -------- ------- ------ -------- ------
                                                 SYSTEM (EXTERNAL)
          _2 : 31 : 55  07JUN14  CHS   CCC:CCH   0()  2i5 :P..SB  - NUISANCE,211 :NO_SE
            II          II      II               PI
          12 : 32 : 02   "    060003  DIV : YE   AK
            II          II      II        II
                                                 XP/ AK/02 11
          12 : 32 : 30          II               LI / 2456
          12:32:40              II        II     CTXl )
          12 : 32:4 5   II      II        II     AC
                        II      II        II
                                                 AQ ,  I
                                                 AR ()
                        II      II
                                                                                         CONTI N'JED  ...

                 NO  UNAUTHORIS ED  DISCLOSURE- JIS!?OSC:  OF  AS   ot,/rI DC::dTl AL  WA   E.

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