Page 306 - Main Second Asbo Book1
P. 306

PRINTED  A~  13:55  l l:A□ G : 14  GPC                           711 243  YE   DI  /IS ION
             SINGLE  INC I DEN~  P~I NTOUT

             INCIDENT  No .   2410 : 08JUN 14

             Time      Da t e    Op_d    Te r mid
                       illegal  rave  going  on  opposite  A&J  Cars
                       approx  200  peopl e,  dr ugs  being  openly  sold  and  taken
                       caller  noticed  them  whilst  on  his  way  home,  they're  all  over  the  street
             05:41 : 47  08JUN14  CHS
                       **  **START  OF  DATA  AUTOMATICALLY  COPIED  FROM  OPEN  PROMPT****
                       OPEN  CODE  "211"  :
                       USE  SMF/ASB
                       **  **END  OF  DATA  AUTOMATICALLY  COPIED  FROM  OPEN  ~ROMPT**  **
             05:41:48  08JUN14  CHS
                       ENTERED  BY:  CHS   (c723395)  AT:  2014-06-08  05:40:58
                       linked  to  cads  1646  & 1768  08June
             05:41:48  08JUN14  CHS
                       ENTERED  BY:  CHS   (c723395)  AT:  2014-06-08  05:41:26
                       SMF  ASS  (For  All  Incidents  Of  Anti-social  Behaviour)
                       Always  consider  whether  the  circumstances  of  the  incident  render  tr.e
                       person  concerned  as  vulnerable.
                       Remember  to  use  SMF/VULNERABLE  and/or  SMF/REPEATVICTIM.
                       If  the  questions  below  do  not  appear  valid,  have  you  selected  the
                       correct  opening  code?
                       1.  Has  anything  like  this  happened  before?:  No
                       2.  Has  the  caller  spoken  to  police  about  this  or  any  other  mat t er
                       relating  to  ASB?:  No
                       3.  If  the  answer  to  2  is  'Yes'  when  were  police  called  (approx i mately ) ?
                       4.  Prior  to  call ing  police  today,  has  the  person  sought  help  f rom
                       elsewhere  (e.g.  Local  Authority,  Security,  Housing  Associa t i on,
                       Samaritans,  Citizens  Advice,  BT,  etc.)?:  No
                       5.  If  the  answer  t o  4  is  'Yes'  please  stace  who?  :
                       6.  Any  other  relevant  information?  :
            05:43:09  08JUN 14  CHS
                       ENTERED  BY:  CHS    AT:  2014- 06-08  05:43 :08
                      Mee  Pol ice :  Your  ref  is  CAD  24:0 /0SJune.  We  aim  t o  arri ve  wichin  60
                      mi nu tes .  Please  do  ne t  reply  to  this  t ext
            Pr ev i ous  Actions:
            Time      Date      Opid    Termid     ACTION
                                                   SYSTEM (EXTERNAL )
            05 :41: 47  08J UN1 4  CHS   CCC :CCB   0 ( )  011: DRUGS  OFFENCE , 215: ASB  - NUI SANCE,2 1
                                            "      PI
                                                                                          CONTI NUE

                  SCBJ!!:CT  TO  2REEDOM  ., f  LIE'ORMATION  ACT  AND  DATA  FRO':ECT! ON  ACT
                   NO  UNAJTHORI3 C: D  DI SCLOSJRE - D:: SPOSE  OE'  AS  CO.IFI DEN".'I AL  WASTE:.

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