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P. 340
Incident Report 74507 - January 14, 2013 11 :15 - Debra Redwin
Update: 74507-L20 Operator: Norman Harris
Entered at: January 12, 2013 06:15 Occurred at: January 12, 2013 06:26
G LOWERY (CW219) Informs the ECC that MARK LUDLOW has now left Lutomer house and did not cut the power
Update: 74507-L21 Operator: Henry Havis
Entered at: January 12, 2013 08:10 Occurred at: January 12, 2013 08:12
S WATERS (B3) contacted the ECC and advised that at 0800hrs the last dozen participants of the 'rave' have left site. It was noticed that 1 of the
group was bleeding (Details of injury unknown) and they were attending Hospital. It is thought that the injury happened due to an altercation
between the group.
Infrastructure Management are taking steps to secure the breach in the fence and restrict further vehicle access.
An electrician has also been t.i::;ked to i::;ol.ite the power to the :;itc.
CW Security are remaining in location until further notice.
Senior CWG Management informed via email.
There is no CCTV of the area and no photos were taken with the hand-held camera as it was thought this would aggravate the situation.
Police updated on 101.
Update: 74507-L22 Operator: Derek Beswick
Entered at: January 12, 2013 15:23 Occurred at: January 12, 2013 15:33
S GREIG informs the ECC that Electricians have been tasked to isolate power to the site.
A new padlock and chain are being fitted in place of the old ones, the key will be left with the Infrastructure Call sign who is currently on guard at
Lutomer House.
This key will then be picked up by S GREIG on Monday 14 - 01 • 13
Update: 74507-L23 Operator: Merlisa Cheer
Entered at: January 12, 2013 16:14 Occurred at: January 12, 2013 16:12
A DEVINE (CW164) informs the ECC that he has been approached by 2 x members of the public in reference to the illegal rave that happened last
night (11-01-13)
The 2 x members of the public have informed A DEVINE (CW164) that they heard the commotion at approx 22:00hrs last night and noticed that
there was people going into the shed 4 area via the fence but because they was wearing Hi-Viz they didn't think that there was anything untoward
going on and carried on with their evening.
They also added that the music got turned up at 01 :30hrs this morning 12-01-13 and that is when they realised that it was a rave that was taking
The persons live right opposite Shed 4 were the hole was placed in the fence so they said that they did witness them breaking in.
A DEVINE (CW164) was unable to get name or details from the persons but has slated that he will try and get details from them as they leave the
Wood Wharf area.
Update: 74507-L24 Operator: Henry Havis
Entered at: January 12, 2013 17:03 Occurred at: January 12, 201 317:15
Email lrom C SCHERER (IFM) to P 1WEDDLE (Co-MD):
From 15:00 when we all viewed !he building, I have now had the power within turned off and the appropriate fuses removed.
Having sent communication earlier this morning to David Lindop / Joe Bowman, I have not heard back from either, but will inform accordingly and
hand over the fuses.
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