Page 37 - Main Second Asbo Book1
P. 37

IU-SI HICU:D (when completed)
                                                                                                  P  ie 10  :· 10

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                     they are urinating everywhere and being very inconsiderate with their behaviour. Caller also believes
                     that they are taking drugs. Location: Progress Way.

                     17.  CAD 3986 7/6 - CAD call from member of the public at 11:47. Caller states that there is an illegal
                     rave going on. Caller has tried calling EHO but none working. Location: Progress Way

                     18.  CAD 4323 7/6 - CAD call from member of tire public at 12:23. Caller states that there is an illegal

                     rave coming from the rear of his location. He states that the music is really loud and all the neighbours
                     are complaining. Location. Progress Way.

                     19.  CAD 5206 7/6 - CAD call from member of the public at 13 :57. Caller states that loud music coming
                     from the rear of her property, which has been going on all night. Location: Progress Way.

                     20.  CAD 8841 7/6 - CAD call from member of the public at 07:08.  Caller states that there is a rave ai the
                     location if he does his window the noise. Infonnant states that people keep climbing over his fence

                     and walking through his back garden. Location: Progress Way.

                     21.  CAD 10393 7/6 - CAD call from male at 22:38. He states that he has been to an illegal rave and has
                     been robbed by males with a knife. The rave is Progress Way.

                     22.  CAD 10481 7/6 • CAD call from member of the public at 22:47. Caller states that tl1ere is a rave

                     going on at tl1e factory down the road, tl1e music is very loud and several hundred people at the
                      location. They have broken into the industrial estate-

                     23.  CAD 10506 7/6 - CAD call from member of the public at 22:44. Caller states tl1at there is a rave
                     going on a: a warehouse. It went on all last night and has just started up again. The caller knows tl1at

                     she will not sleep because of this.

                     24.   CAD 10471 7/6 - CAD call from member of the public at 22 45. Caller states tlrnt tl1e noise has
                     started again in tl1e warehouse at Progress Way.  It's unacceptable and tl1e council are not dealing with

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