Page 40 - Main Second Asbo Book1
P. 40

·witness contact details
            Home address:
            ............................................................................................... ....................... ....................................  Postcode:
            Home telephone number   ......................................................  Work telephone number
            Mobile/pager number    ......................................................  Email address:
            Preferred means of contact:
            Male / Female (delete as applicable)   Date and place of birth:
           Former name:                           Ethnicity Code (16+ ]):   . .... ............. ...  Religion/belief:
           Dates of witness non-ava.iJability

           Witness care
           a)   ls the witness willing and likely to attend court? Yes / No. If 'No', include reason(s) on MG6.
           b)   What can be done to ensure attendance?

           c)   Does the witness require a Special Measures Assessment as a vulnerable or intimidated witness?
                Yes / No. If 'Yes' submit MG2 with file.
           d)   Does the witness have any specific care needs? Yes / No. If 'Yes' what are they? (Disability, healthcar<:,  childcare. transport, . language
                difficuhies.  visually impaired.  res1ricted mobiliry or other concerns?)

           Witness Consent (for witness completion)
           a)   The criminal justice process and Victim Personal Statement scheme (victims only) has   Yes   No
                been explained to me                                                      □  □
                                                                                          □  □
                I have been given the Victim Personal Statement leaflet               Yes      No
                                                                                          □  □
                I have been given the leaflet 'Giving a witness  taternent to police -  what happens next?'   Yes   No

                I consent to police having access to my medical record(s) in relation to this matter:   Yes   No
                (obtained in  accordance with  local practice)                            □        □ I. □
                I consent to my medical record in relation to  this matter being disclosed to the defence:   Yes   No
                                                                                          □  □
                I consent to  the statement being disclosed for the purposes of civil proceedings e.g.  child   Yes   No
                care  proceedings, CICA                                                   □  □
                The information recorded above will be disclosed  10 the Witness Service so they can offer
                help  and support, unless you ask them nor to. Tick this box to decline their services:   □
            ignature of witness:                                           Print name:
          Signature of parent/guardian/appropriate adult:                  Print name:
          Address and tele  hone number if different from above:

          Statement taken by (print name):   PC  752YE 206372 Steve ELSMORE ......... ...  Station:   YE ................................................ .. .

          Time and  place  tatement taken :

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