Page 44 - Main Second Asbo Book1
P. 44

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              Continuation of Statement of   Steve ELSMORE...  . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . .  .. . . . .  . ..... ........................  ..

               Whilst at the Community Hall numerous local residents had varying reasons to attend the hall, and the
            manageress had a friendly rapport with all of them.

            She is obviously a popular and respected key community member.
            Recently the Elsinge Estate has become one of Safer Estates priority patrol areas.
            This is mainly due to youths congregating on KEMPE ROAD, ENT. They tend to loiter on a village green like
            area flanked on one side by a parade of shops and KEMPE HALL on the other.

            The majority oftl1e youtl1s are unknown to officers and when spoken too politely engage in conversation.

            However amongst them are known GMG members, who noticeably stand out from the others by tlleir surly
            As the Manageress and KEMPE HALL are such 3n integral part of tl1e community the SAFER ESTATE'S
            arranged the meeting as means of introduction.
            We were informed that the hall can be hired by its members for varying functions.
            We were also infonned that tl1e local youths were allowed to use the hall as a youth club. Wednesday - 1800 hours
            to 2200hours.

            The Manageress told m that she has not encountered any problems with tl1e youths who attend.
            We did. however, warn her that tl1e group who attend the youth club could consist of gang members and that if
            she should have, at a later date, any concerns, to notify SAFER EST ATES. We also recommended tl1e use of a
            knife arch at one of these meetings.
            The Manageress seemed keen to liaise and work with SAFER EST A TES in resolving any issues that could occur

            at the youtl1 club.
            Also present at this meeting was the following MALE -
             Simon CORDELL
             <lob 26/01/1981

             Address unknown.
             Mr CORDELL has in the past, been known to police. He appeared to be tl1ere in an advisory capacity, and when
             we made delicate enquiries as to why Mr CORDELL was there, we were informed by the Manageress (hat "he is
             helping us".
             Mr CORDELL had an entrepreneurial persona with his brief case and lap top He spoke of his events
             Management Company called "TOO SMOOTH" and presented a tllick catalogue consisting of all maimer of to
             lure equipment for the purposes of holding outdoor events - speakers, canopies, band stands etc

             signature                               Signature Witnessed by

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