Page 45 - Main Second Asbo Book1
P. 45

RF.STRICTF.D (when contpl~tcd)
                                                                                                     Page 5 of5

            Continuation of Statement of Steve ELSMORE.

           Out of curiosity I asked Mr CORDELL where he stored such a huge collection of equipment and he told me that
           he had "THREE lockups", and further explained that he had just spent £5,000 on a generator.
          Mr CORDELL has a wide-ranging vocabulary which initially impresses. However, when he expounds one of his,
           many, theories, he does so at great length, losing his narrative flow.
           By the time he has eventually :finished what he has to say it is completely incomprehensible. Leaving the listener

           utterly bemused.
           He was with a FEMALE associate who seemed to be a friend of the hall Manageress. CORDELL and the
           FEMALE showed us a project they were working on.
           The project was outlined on Mr CORDELL S laptop. What we were shown was a proposal document of massive
           length and detail. This proposal was to be a presentation to be made to ENFIELD COUNCIL

           I asked Mr CORDELL and the FEMALE if they could ex verbally e>..--plain what tl1e project was about.
           I was told that tl1ey plan to organise a local community festival consisting of local businesses and organisations.
           If. having successfully done this in ENFIELD they would then go on to do a festival in all 33 boroughs of
           There was no denying tl1at the proposal document was extensive and impressive. However, when asked. Mr
           CORDELL had not actually got a date to make tl1e proposal to the relevant authority at ENFIELD CIVIC

           I asked where, if given permission, the 'festival' would be held and he told me LEA VALLEY Leisure Centre,
           PICKETTS LOCK.
           When given the opportunity to speak to the Manageress alone she tactfully asked how long she had known Mr
           CORDELL, she told officers that she had only just met him that day.
           SAFER EST A TE'S concerned tl1at even tl1ough Mr CORDELL presents himself in a business-like manner (and it
           could be a possible that he is at KEMPE HALL on legitimate business) he is. none the less, well known to police

           for holding and organising "ILLEGAL RAVES" .
           . And. was doing so as recently as AUGUST 2014.

            Signature:                                   Signed witnessed by:

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