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                                             WITNESS STATEMENT
                         CJ  Act  1967, s.9; MC Act  1980, ss.5A(3)(a) and SB; Criminal Procedure Rules 2005, Rule 27.1
                                                                            01  I  YE  I
                Statement of    Aaron KING .......... ....................................  URN:   J    I 14

                Age if under 18   Over 18 ............. .   (if over 18 inser1  'o"~r 18·)  Occupation:   Police Officer---........................ .

                This statement  (consisting of: ... ~ ....  pages each signed  by me)  is  true  lo lhe best of my knowledge and belief and I
                make it knowing that, if it  is tendered in evidence, I shall be liable to prosecution if I have wilfully stated anything in  it
                which I know to be false, or do not believe to be true .
                                ......... 12..:· ........ ~/.. ........... [~ ...... ?...C .. ?. ~
                Signature:                                                 Date:    15/08/14 .... , ....................... .
               Tick if witness evidence is  vfaually reco:dcd D  (supp-ly_w1_·1n_e_s_s_d_e_1a-il_s_o_n_r_e_a_r)------ ---------1

               On Saturday 9th August 2014 I was on duty in full  unifom1 posted as Acting Inspector.  Shortly before 2230hrs I
               was infonned via  our GPC that Intel had been received via social media that there was going to  be a  large illegal
               rave somewhere in the region of MjJlmarsh Lane,  Enfield, EN3.  I was  advised that thjs was being advertised on
               Facebook by "Every Dc:cibel  Malters., who nm unlicensed events.  At this time l  was in company with Ps Ames
               123YE  and  we  made our way  to  the  localion.  On  route  I  informed  lhe  control  room  of what  was potentially
               occurring and accepted  the offer from  some units  to  attend  the  location  to  assist  me.  On arrival  in  MillnUJr:;h
               Lane it was obvious that something was about to happen.  There were a number of groups of teenagers who were
              rrulling around clearly looking for something.  Millmarsh Lane is an industrial road ~ith two major 24hr factories
              but borders residential areas  which are divided apart  by Mollison Road.  At  this time on a  Saturday  the streets
               were very quiet  so  these  groups  stuck out.  After a  brief search  I noticed  two  metal  gates  next  to  the Greggs

              Factory  which  suddenly  closed  as  we  passed  U1em.   We  stopped  and  f  got  out  and  approached  the  gates.
              Although dark, street  lighting was on and  I  could a  male was using  a chain and  lock to  secure the gates.  I
              could  hear music coming from  further inside.  Stood by the gate I immediately noticed an IC3  male who I know
              to  be Simon CORDELL.  T recognised  Mr Cordell  as I  have previously spoken  to him recently at  illegal  raves
            j  where I  have seen him setting up sound eqwpment and subsequently taking il away when confronted by Police.J
              explained to Mr Cordell  why  we were there but  he immediately denied  it  was a  rave.  Mr Cordell  stated  first  it
              was a private conference but then said  it  wc1s  a birthday party.  When asked about permission to be there he stated
              friends  were squatting on the  land  and  they  had  said  he could  stay.  I  explained  to  Mr Cordell  that  1 needed  to

              come  onto  the  site  to  see  what  was  going  on  as  for  all  I knew  he  could  be  damaging it  or  stealing  from  it.
              Eventually after prorrusing I would not  remove anyone squatting and only myself and  Pc Ames would come in,
              Mr Cordell  agreed  that  we could come  ii1.  Near to  the gate was  a  silver Ford Focus  index MAS7LDY  which 1
              knew  was  Mr  Cordell's.  The boot  was  open  and  I noticed  it  contained  three  large trun  industrial  gas  bottles.
              From  experience I knew  this  was  likely to  contain  nitrous  oxide  which is  currently  used on  the  rave scene as  a
                             ./·  I
              Signature:   .. . . ... .... .. .       Signature: wirnessed  by:
             @oon,'07( ! ):  MG  I I (T ,,

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