Page 66 - Main Second Asbo Book1
P. 66
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CJ Act 1967, s.9; MC Act 1980, ss.SA(3)(a) and 5B; Criminal Procedure Rule, 2005, Rule 27.1
Statement of Sophie THEODOULOU PC 577YE ............ URN:
Age ifunder 18 Over 18 ............. . (if over 18 i11sc11 'over Is·) Occupation: Police Officer ........................... .
This statement (consisting of: .... 1 ...... pages each signed by me) is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I
make it knowing that, if it is tendered in evidence, I shall be liable to prosecution ifl have wilfully stated anything in it
which I know to be false, or do not beJieve to be true .
Signature: .... ~- .!.e.:.~ P( ... S.7.7.7.c. ................... . Date: 12/09/2014 ......................... . .
Tick if witness evidence is visually recorded (supply witness details on rear)
On Friday 12th September 2014 I attended the address of Simon Cordell in Bumcroft Avenue EN3 with NPS
l knocked on Simon CordelJ's front door at 1230 hours and he opened the door and asked what we wanted; I
asked bim ifhe was Simon Cordell, to which he replied, "Yeah." I stated to him that I was here to issue him with
a summons to attend Highbury Corner Magistrates Court on 6th October 2014 at 1:30pm. Mr Cordell stated,
'What is this for?" I infonned him that it was for an ASBO; I showed him the summons and the folder and as I
went to band him the folder and the summons Cordell stated, "I'm not accepting that, I'm not having that."
Cordell then placed the folder on the floor, outside his door, in the hallway. I stated to him that he does not have
to accept it and that I have already infonned him of the date, time and where to go. Mr Cordell then shut the door
before I could hand him the summons, so I posted it through his letter box. Mr Cordell was also told to inform his
solicitor of this.
Mr Cordell was a light skinned, mixed race male, with short black hair and was of medium build .
.. 1f)v.i.. .. fhfaiu.b..fC .. :fJ..?.£- Signature wi tnessed by:
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