Page 68 - Main Second Asbo Book1
P. 68
RESTRICTED (when complete)
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CJ Act 1967, s.9; MC Act 1980, ss.5A{3)(a) and 5B; Criminal Procedure Rules 2005, Rule 27.1
Statement of r( .. .P.o~~-~--···~-:~ i .. (Ut~ ..... URN: I 01 I I I
..__ __ _._ ___ ...__ _____ _,__--4
Age if under 18 Over 18 ............ .. (if over 18 inse,t 'over 18 ') Occupation: Police Officer .......................... ..
This statement (consisting of: .... 1 ...... pages each signed by me) is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I
make it knowing that, if it is tendered in evidence, I shall be liable to prosecution if I have wilfully stated anything in it
which I know to be false, or do not believe to be true .
. ~
Signature: ..... .7. . .f..~ . .'/...f. .... ! ............ . Date:
Tick if witness evidence is visually recorded LJ (supply witness details on rear)
This statement refers to an illegal rave which took place between 6th June and 8th June 2014 on the industrial
Estate near Woodgrange Avenue.
On Thursday 14th August 2014, I spoke with a resident who lives in Woodgrange Avenue, Enfield. The resident
is an elderly female and both she and her husband are retired.
She has stated that on Saturday 7th June 2014, she contacted Police regarding a rave that was happening on the
industrial estale close to her home address. Her reason for contacting Police was because the music noise was
horrendously loud and this was disturbing their peace and had been going on for sometime. She states that both
her and her husband were extremely distressed about this whole incident because something similar had happened
in the past.
She states that lots of youths had been jumping over fences and she was very concerned and frightened about this
and feared that something would happen to them or one of their neighbours. This made them both extremely
anxious, nervous and made them worry.
This lady is worried that an incident like this could happen again. She did not want to provide Police with a direct
statement as she is frightened that the organisers could trace where they live and make their lives even more of a
misery. She is extremely concerned that something like this may happen again in the future .
Signature· ._. Signature witnessed by:
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