Page 64 - Main Second Asbo Book1
P. 64
Rl-.:STRICTE.D (when completed)
(CJ Act 1967, ·.9; MC Act 1980, s.5A(3)(a) and 5B; MC Ru les 1981 , r.70)
Aaron KING .......................................... .... . URN: I I I
Statement of j
~-- ~---~--- - - --'-------!
Age if under 18 Over 18 ............. . (if over 18 insert ·over 18 ') Occupation: Police Officer ... ............ .. ......... . statement (consisting of: .... 1...... pages each signed by me) is lr\le to the best of my knowledge and belief and I
make it knowing that, if it is tendered in evidence, I sha.11 be Liable to prosecution if I have wilfully stated anything in it
which I know to be false, or do aot believe to be true.
1/ L-:? //Yt)C
Signature: ............. /(. ........... /. ............. ································ Date: 07/09/20 14 .......................... .
Tick if witness evidence is visuaJJy recorded LJ (supply wilness details on rear)
Further to my statement dated 15/08/2014 regarding an mega! rave on Saturday 9th August 2014 I have been
asked to clarify the role that Mr Simon CORDELL had du.ring lhe incident.
On the night I first noticed the location of the rave as a male quickly locked the gates upon apparently seeing my
marked police vehicle. This male was Mr Simon CORDELL and it was him that initially said I could not enter
and it was him who was very much in charge of deciding if Police were going to be let in. lndeed, having been
let into the venue by Mr Cordell I had a number of conversations with him about whether what I saw constituted a
rave and pan of Mr Cordell s argument to stop me closing it down included telling me that it was a private party
but that ullimately it didn't matter because he was applying for licences from the council and soon bis -~vents
would be legitimate and could not be closed. The conversation was very much that this was his event and he
would keep running them no matter where he had to go. It was Mr Cordell who showed me around the venue
pointing out first aiders and piles of bottled water in an attempt to convince me this was a Legitimate party.
Having explained that I was going to order the rave closed or seize the sound equipment it was Mr Cordell who
passionately argued against this whilst maintaining he did not want his sound equipment seized. Eventually, it
was Mr Cordell who told other per ons present that the event was closing and told people in yellow jackets to
start packing up the equipment. Aaron King Ps 91 YE /1 ,,7
Signature: - S1g:,atun: w1tne ·sed by·