Page 30 - Main Second Asbo Book1
P. 30

RESTRICTED (n•hen rnmplctcrll

              regulate it. There was. about 30 people in so in discussion Mr CORDELL was told it was an illegal rave and I
              would be seeking Supt authority to seize the sound equipment. Mr CORDELL began to pack away his
               equipment stating it was a birthday party only but he was going Whilst stood waiting for him to leave a

               group of about 100 teenagers turned up on mass and immediately became confrontational stating there were
               going to stonu the rave. As we had good numbers the group initially dispersed but tried to go via a back
               entrance to the venue which led to arrests when scuffles with Police started. The group the completely

               moved of: but returned about 7.0 minutes later ir. even bigger nwnbers. l'he situation quickly escalated as the
               group started throwing cones and general road furniture towards Police. Luckily dogs were on hand and the
               crowd was dispersed after nwuerous missiles were thrown at Police and a number of arrests were made. The

               group then hung around and got on trains only to try aud enter Progress Way and the previous rave site, It
               was only large numbers of TSG that prevented the group forcing their way in. Again. Simon CORDELL and
               his silver Focus were present. Eventually, the group began to move off. The net result was at least 4 arrested

               for various public order and one officer injured why may required a stitch Or two to his arm. Simon
               CORDELL's attitude is that he is a modem day business man and the actions of the group had nothing to do
               with him. It was fortunate more officers were not injured.

               Ref: YERT00376728. PS KING.

               2.  On 27th July 2014, Police drove dowu MILLMARSH LANE, ENFIELD, because infom1ation had

               been received that a rave would be taking place that evening. Police drove down and found the rave, which
               was on a piece of land between Greggs and Pugh Charles Glass. This appeared to be a driveway that was
               over grown, but had a gate on it, which people at the rave had the key for. Police spoke to the people inside

               and they did not know if they had any first aiders there and they said that they had one fire extinguisher on
               the site. The people there let police in and there was no alcohol there, but they had water to drink. The rave
               was outside on open land There was a big stack of speakers which was being powered by a van belonging to

               Simon CORDELL. Police saw the van drive out with Simon CORDELL driving it The rave was a 20th
               birthday party for one of the people there. The rave was organised by Simon CORDELL and was connected
               to another rave on ALMA ROAD.

               Ref: YERT00376227. PC CHANDLER.

               3.  On Thursday 24th July 2014 at around 1625 hours, plain clothes officers from YE Gangs Unit had cause to
               stop the following male on ALMA ROAD EN3. Sin1011 CORDELL. He was driving a silver Ford Focus vm1

                 MA571DY on which be Insured, but is not the registered keeper. He was stopped as he was driving about

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